• Do you charge for your initial visit or for a quote?

    We are delighted to come to visit and discuss your garden & requests at no cost to you. We will then provide a free no-obligation quote.

  • How quickly can you start installing?

    For most systems, we can usually start within 2 weeks. More complex systems or bulky items such as underground water tanks will usually have a longer lead time.

  • Will the garden be damaged during the installation?

    There is usually no damage to gardens during the installation. Should we have to lay pipe under your lawn we lift and relay as quickly as possible. Any signs of digging usually disappear within a few weeks.

  • How can I capture rainwater?

    Rainwater can be stored in tanks or in simple waterbutts. These storage units can range from as little as 100 Litre waterbuttsto larger water tanks containing 10,000’s of litres. These tanks can be installed above and below ground and connected to our irrigation system to provide rainwater for your garden.

  • How water efficient can the irrigation system be?

    Exceptionally so by using several strategies. Firstly, our systems can deliver water automatically at night meaning that minimal water is lost by evaporation, water can be delivered directly to the roots of the plants (not the leaves!) and by using correct run times to give the plants exactly what they need.

  • Are there many types of irrigation systems?

    Yes, but principally there are two types of water delivery - drip or airborne. Airborne e.g. sprinklers, rotors, misters, streamers, bubblers and drip e.g. buried dripline and surface dripline. We can advise on what will work best for your garden.

  • How do hosepipe bans impact an irrigation system?

    The previous hosepipe bans have all allowed drip irrigation systems with pressure-reducing valves and a timer system. This means that driplines have been permitted due to their exceptional water efficiency. However, all other forms of water irrigation have been prohibited such as lawn sprinklers.

  • Do you work with garden designers?

    We frequently work on new projects or gardens with garden designers, landscape architects and architects. We would be delighted to discuss your project and start an ongoing partnership.

  • Can you guarantee your system?

    We can guarantee our work for twelve months. We also pass on the manufacturer’s warranties which run for twelve months. We strive to provide the very best system but the reality of an irrigation system is that it is exposed to the elements and wildlife. As a result, we can’t guarantee it for longer but with our maintenance program, you can rest assured that it will be kept in great condition for years to come.

  • How much maintenance does an irrigation system require?

    Regular maintenance is required for all irrigation systems. Wear and tear, the lifespan of parts, replacement of batteries, emptying filters, flushing accumulated internal debris, changing sprinkler heads and damage caused by the elements & wildlife are among the maintenance considerations. Most importantly, is the winterisation of an irrigation system to prevent any damage caused by water freezing within a system. Ask us about our maintenance program.

  • How does the Rainlab maintenance program work?

    We visit in autumn to winterise the system in preparation for the winter. Then in spring, we visit to check the system and restart it for the growing season. During these visits, we perform a thorough maintenance program check and replace parts where necessary. We update irrigation runtimes of certain areas and we inform you of any suggested system alterations. We can also offer additional summer visits if requested.

  • Can you design and specify irrigation systems?

    In the past, we have been asked by architects and landscape architects to design and specify systems. We can provide scaled technical drawings using Autocad as a standalone service. If you are interested please contact us.

  • What water regulations are there?

    An irrigation system using a domestic water supply of potable water (mains water) must comply with BS EN 806. Essentially this protects portable mains water from being contaminated in the event of a backflow incidence. If a back-flow event occurred there is the risk that water held within an irrigation system and potentially contaminated with garden soil, compost, manure and etc. could be sucked back into the household or the local water supply.